ODA: No additional cases of RHD2, source undetermined


Last week, state officials concluded the epidemiological investigation into the first U.S. case of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus 2 (RHD2), found in Medina County. The original cause or source of the infection is undetermined.

There have not been any additional confirmed cases as of Oct. 1, 2018. The premises where the affected animal was found remain under quarantine.

With the assistance of USDA Wildlife Services, state officials have acquired some additional surveillance samples from the area within the wild rabbit population.

ODA is continuing to advocate strong biosecurity practices where rabbits may be commingled. Call your veterinarian or ODA should owners notice high morbidity and high mortality consistent with the RHD2 virus.

—Dennis M. Summers, DVM 
Assistant State Veterinarian, Ohio Department of Agriculture

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